Domestic Drinking Water Filters

Water Filters – EWT G1 Drinking Water Filter

As drinking water quality can no longer be taken for granted, EWT Water Softener Specialists recommend you to install the G1 Drinking Water Filter for top quality, filtered drinking water.
Ageing water pipe networks in some areas makes it difficult to deliver clean water to the highest possible standards. To help ensure you receive the best quality drinking water at all times, be sure to have an EWT Water Filter installed.
Our G1 Drinking Water Filter provides a plentiful supply of clean, filtered and refreshing water for your drinking water needs.
EWT water filtration systems are Ireland’s most economical option for home water filtration.
EWT Water Filtration Systems promote healthy living by filtering water contaminants from tap water.  The G1 Drinking Water Filter provides the best filtered drinking water on tap, with better quality than bottled drinking water. The G1 Drinking Water Filter provides Irish homes with the following benefits:
  • Provides great-tasting filtered drinking water
  • Neutralises odours from tap water
  • Filters sediments from drinking water
  • Reduces chlorine and chemical by products in drinking water
  • Reduces and removes ill effects of over 50 drinking water contaminants

Initial enquiries and all orders via C4B