“We have already made significant savings with Contra 4 Business but it is about much more than just saving money. We have also opened new doors, gained new business and clients we would never have seen without Contra4Business.

What is really great about all this is that we get to pay with our spare capacity, which results, firstly in huge cost savings and positive cash flow, secondly in marginal sales to new clients when it suits us most to take it on.

Effectively, Contra 4 Business is like a bank which gives us an interest free business overdraft to finance expenses and then lets us pay back by doing work for other bank business customers.

We consider ourselves to be among the most professional graphic design, print & corporate branding agencies in Ireland. We are lucky to have some of Ireland’s blue chip companies as our clients and we have expanded organically over the last ten years, however, we would not be without our Contra Account, which has become as integral a function of our business as banking, broadband, sales & marketing or accounting.”